Sunday, December 16, 2012

To Do More On The Beach

It's summertime!!! Nothing beats a day at the beach,fun day for your family,a nice place for friends to hang out. The time to enjoy and for many people that means hitting the local beach. If you think that spending time at the beach is limited to just swimming,No? You have a lot to learn and to do more. There are tons and so many great activities that can be enjoyed on the beach.
Take a read this!Here are some of the most fun things that you can do at the beach besides just going swimming, diving, snorkeling and etc.:
1. Take a Family Photo. Have your family dress alike, whether you are all in swimsuits or in casual shorts and sundresses. Another cute look - white t-shirts with jeans.Taking photo on there is not forgetable and you truely show your love of your family.
2. Relax. You don't have to daydream or take pictures or do anything at all. You can just sit there and relax. You're on vacation after all! Being free is good in our life,relax not only your body together your mind.
3.Daydream. You're sitting around at the beach with no commitments and nothing demand your attention and that's a great time to just hang out and daydream a little bit. Envision what you want your life to look like in five or ten years, where you wish you could travel or what you would do if you won the lottery.
4.Bonfire parties. Where fires are allowed on the beach, it's great to hold huge parties where people come to play music, dance, roast marshmallows and just have a great time.
5.Rent a Ride. Certain beaches such as Daytona, allow beach-goers to drive their cars directly on the sand. They also allow vendors to set up on the beach and rent out jetskis and 4 wheelers. When operating any vehicles on the beach be exceptionally cautious of other visitors. Para-sailing is another fun activity that can be done out on the beach.
6.Look for dolphins. Many beaches throughout the world offer the chance to see dolphins right from the shore if you know what you're looking for and when to look.
7.Write messages in the sand. You can write them big or small, say anything that you want and then take a picture that will last forever. These pictures can be made into unique postcards to send to the folks back home.
8.Play at the boardwalk. Many beaches have boardwalks where you can play arcade games, ride rollercoasters, eat fair food and enjoy free summer concerts on the sand.
9.Picnic. There are always a lot of food vendors near popular beaches but sometimes it's nice to pack yourself a really nice picnic with fancy cheeses and luscious fruits and to go indulge in at the beach.
10.Frisbee. This is a classic beach game and it is one that people never get tired of enjoying together. There are more advanced versions like Frisbee golf, extreme Frisbee and Aerobie but the old version will do just fine.
11.Hiking. Many beaches offer nearby trails where you can hike to or from the water. This offers great exercise and the water is great for cooling down after the hike,
12.Fishing. It's one of the most relaxing things that you can do at the beach and something people have been doing here for centuries.
13. Read magazines. A beach vacation is supposed to be completely relaxing. Park yourself under a shade umbrella, catch a few rays and read some magazines or a cheap novel.
14.Build a sandcastle. From the simplest design to the most elaborate, sandcastles help you pass the time at the beach while doing something really creative and fun.
15.Look for seashells. You can troll the beach looking for seashells and colored glass. Take the best ones home with you and make jewelry or art with them so that you can always remember the fun that you had at the beach.
16.Go windowshopping in the little seaside shops. The majority of beaches are located at beach towns. These towns typically have a bunch of little stores set up along the beach. Spend some time browsing when you're ready to get out of the sun.
17.Surfing. Or any other type of water sport such as kayaking, jet ski racing, waterskiing or kitesurfing. Get out on the water and really have yourself an adventure instead of just being lazy!
18.Go topless. There's something really brave about getting naked in public. It's an experience that can make you feel courageous and bold and one that should be tried at least once. Of course, you have to make sure that you're doing this at a nude beach otherwise you're going to get into some serious trouble!
19.Hula hoop. Or play catch. Or jump rope. Or fly a kite. Engage in some sort of child's play when you are at the beach using cheap toys that you can pick up at a nearby store. This will bring back some of the wonder of what it was like to go to the beach as a kid.
20.Write poetry. The beach has been inspiring poems and songs for centuries so you might as well join the tribe of people who like to write when they're by the water. Starting that novel you've always wanted to write or simply keeping a diary of the trip are other creative writing options at the beach.
21.Meet people. Beaches are filled with people so there's no reason that you can't make new friends. Games on the sand - like volleyball - make this easy but there are lots of ways to meet people at the beach.
22.Take photographs. The beach is a great place for getting good photos and those photos will be a great memory to take back from the trip. Wander along with your digital camera and see what there is to see.
23.Search for historic sites. Many beaches are located near places of historic importance which are marked with monuments or signs. You can find these in the most unexpected of places if you keep your eyes open. Military batteries on the water, historic lighthouses and places where battles once took place are all things that you can keep an eye out for.
24.Catch up on phone calls. With cell phones working almost everywhere these days, you should have no problem getting connected to others at the beach. It's a great place to catch up on phone calls while getting a tan - and you can make everyone you talk to jealous because of where you are!
25.. Look for little critters. Most people who go looking for animals at the beach are looking for whales or seals or dolphins. Turn your focus to the little critters like the crabs and birds and jellyfish. Spend the day seeing how many different animals you can count.
26.Watch the sunset. This is one of the favorite things that people often do at the beach because it is such a sight to see.
27.Celebrate a holiday or special occasion. People often go to the beach to watch Fourth of July fireworks or to celebrate a honeymoon.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Beach Wonderful Photos

Grab a wonderful photos and videos of our wonderful beach.A beach is part of our lives, it gives us a lot of enjoyment, fun and etc. This is the place were we can relax, enjoy ourselves and makes us happy. We can do anything in this place as we want.In short, we have a freedom to have fun, to walk, to jog, to run, to swim, to roll,to get wet and many more. So, how lucky we are, to have this beautiful places in the world. Now we take a chance to embrace the beauty of nature and have time to enjoy our life.Enjoying our life by simple, going some beaches in any other places of the world, were make us satisfied and make us happy. In addition, beach is a nice meeting place, we meet free of our unknowing friends, also our unknowing relatives,an generally speaking we socialize to any other people when we are at the beach.Beach places is the best for family bonding. Family bonding in the beach is very unforgettable moment, that's a place were the parent's can show there true love in their family.But do you ask your self what is the beach mean?It's really sound familiar and we guess that you think that's a place were we can found a sand(white or black),stones,pebbles,some sea creatures and of course a vast of water. Actually you have an idea of what a beach is.But here are some explanation of what is the real definition of a beach.

A beach is a landforms along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake or river. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles or cobblestones. The particles comprising the beach are occasionally biological in origin, such as mollusk shells or coralline algae (from


Brief History Of The Philippines

The name of the Philippines (Filipino/Tagalog: Pilipinas, Spanish: Filipinas) is a truncated form of The Philippine Islands,derived from the King Philip II of Spain in the 16th century,during his expedition to the Islands.And a spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos used the name Las Islas Filipinas in honour of the then-Prince of Asturias, originally referring to the islands of Leyte and Samar.Despite the presence of other names, the name Filipinas (Philippines) was eventually adopted as the name of the entire archipelago.

However,The official name of the Philippines, has changed throughout the course of its history. During the Philippine Revolution, the state officially called itself República Filipina, now referred to as the First Philippine Republic. From the period of the Spanish-American War and the Philippine-American War until the Commonwealth, United States colonial authorities referred to the Philippines as the Philippine Islands, a direct translation of the original Spanish. It was during the American Period that the name "Philippines" began to appear, a name that was officially adopted.

Since the Philippine country is a nation of islands,several names are usually associated when referring to its different island groups or Luzviminda.A Portmanteau of the first syllables of the country's three major island groups: Luzon; Visayas; and Mindanao.

The Philippine country are very exciting to visit because it's less-discovered alternative to southeast Asian beach hotspots like Bali and southern Thailand. It’s not hard to see why. The country has more than 7000 islands, most boasting at least an idyllic beach or two. It’s easy to navigate and increasingly affordable to get to, as regional budget airlines add Manila to their route maps.In addition, Philippines is very popular in terms of beaches.

People are always saying about beach, but what is a beach really mean?. A beach is a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake or river. It usually consists of loose particles which are often composed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles or cobblestones. The particles comprising the beach are occasionally biological in origin, such as mollusc shells or coralline algae.Seashore is most commonly associated with the word beach, beaches are found by lakes and alongside large rivers, as well as by the sea or oceans.

Wild beaches are beaches which do not have lifeguards or trappings of modernity nearby, such as resorts, camps and hotels. They are sometimes called undeclared, undeveloped or undiscovered beaches. Wild beaches can be valued for their untouched beauty and preserved nature. They are most commonly found in less developed areas including, for example, parts of Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Types of Beaches and Their Photos

When you think of a beach you think of sand and water. But there are also other types of beaches. In addition to sandy beaches, there are pebble beaches, rocky beaches and boulder beaches. Each of these beaches is formed by different actions of the wind and the sea.

A.SAndy Beach
They wash the sand onto the shore, and grind down remains of seashells and rock to form sandy beaches. Take a look at this picture as an example of sandy beach.


B.Pebble Beaches
A small stones are thrown on shore by the force of storm waves to form pebble beaches,while wave action also wars away rocks resulting in rocky beaches. This is one of the example of pebble beach(top) and a rocky beach(bottom).


C.Boulder Beaches
Boulders Beach is a sheltered beach made up of inlets between granite boulders, from which the name originated. It is located in the Cape Peninsula, near Simon's Town towards Cape Point, near Cape Town in the Western Cape province of South Africa. It is also commonly known as Boulders Bay.Furthermore the sea also break up cliffs with constant battering, resulting in boulder beaches. The image below is one of the example of boulder beach.


Beach Best Destination

According to travel website TripAdvisor,Boracay beach resort is the second best beach destination in the world and the No. 1 in Asia for the second year in a row.Boracay, is located in land of Aklan province.

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